The Sixers Have Fired Brett Brown, Elton Brand Remains GM...For Now

And there you have it.  End of at least THIS Process.  Time for a new...something.  Thank you for your service, Brett Brown. Obviously not the greatest coach, but endured The Process and prepared these young men as best he could. No thank you for your service, Elton Brand. GTFO and take Horford's and Harris' combined $260+ million worth contracts with you. Restructuring the front office my taint. Just clear it out.  

Now please go out and find a damn coach that can actually, you know, coach.  Jay Wright is the obvious Golden Boy choice, but would he leave the cushiest tenored job in the sport? Tough to say. Just please, please, PLEASE no retread like Tyrone Lue, Jason Kidd, or Mark Jackson. Take a chance on a newbie like how Nick Nurse earned it.  Or pull of a trade for a Doc Rivers or Brad Stevens - It's a joke, comment section. Fucking relax.  

Cue it.  I guess.  

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